We all make mistakes sometimes. We are human after all. Sometimes these mistakes or accidents can lead to damages to property and in some cases injury to people. In this instance, you can be legally liable to pay for damages relating to an incident that occurred on your premises or in your business operations. This is when you need Public Liability Insurance.
But what can you do if you get stuck with large bills to pay due to an unforeseen and often unpreventable damages? This can be an overwhelming position to be in and this is why we suggest planning for the unforeseen with Public Liability Insurance.
What is Public Liability Insurance?
Public liability insurance covers damages that you are liable to pay relating to an incident that occurred at your premises or about your business. It can also cover any liability occurring from a member, director, partner, principal or employee who is representing your business. This does depend on the extent of your cover and can vary from cover to cover.
Some of the claims that are covered (Can vary from cover to cover):
- Someone comes to and has entered a business premises, slipped and fell due to a wet floor with no warnings, on broken tiles, or on a step or stair that was not clearly marked.
- Someone fell when a railing gave way.
- Faulty workmanship was carried out on a plaintiff’s vehicle, or during the installation of a carpet, geyser, blinds, etc.
- Injury caused by an Animal. This can be a collision, biting, scratching or any other damages caused by or due to an animal.
- Fire: Can cause damage to land, crops, veld and livestock and can spread across vast spaces.
- Product liability and faulty workmanship – fixes to items can lead to significant damage as a result of such work which a plaintiff may want compensation for this.
- The manufacture of goods that are defective may also lead to significant harm as a result.
Do I need Public Liability Insurance Cover?
Every person is different. Everyone’s needs are unique. Thus, we cannot give a blanket yes or no answer to these questions. There are many factors that determine which and what type of insurance cover you need. We recommend speaking to a professional insurance broker who can assist you in finding the best cover for you.
None of us know what is around the next corner and ensuring you are adequately insured is part of preparing for the unforeseen and for the future. We know that insurance can seem confusing and overwhelming, but with EU Brokers it can be easier.