Why YOU Should Get Laptop Insurance

Are you the proud owner of a brand new laptop?  Or the equally proud owner of an old faithful? Do you think you are as safe as you can be under your guarantee? If so, it might be wise to think again! Whether you’ve just come home with your shiny new PC or are about to hit the one year mark on your warranty without any issues, you should consider insuring your laptop, and here’s why you should consider Laptop Insurance South Africa.

Though the standard laptop warranty protects you from things such as technical defects, faults in the software and gut-wrenching hard-drive bomb-outs, sadly there are still so many things that could go wrong – things that you are NOT covered for!

Imagine you are strolling along, distracted and late for work, laptop bag in hand. You’re taking a sip of your coffee when a rogue jogger streaks past – jostling you and sending your precious PC tumbling to the pavement. Sounds pretty plausible, right? Well unfortunately though the accident was hardly your own fault and a mere wrong-place-wrong-time deal – it will be deemed as negligence and you will have to pay for repairs out of pocket. The same goes for if your ex takes revenge and cracks your screen or if your puppy kicks your laptop off the bed during a Netflix session!

You could just as easily be the accidental instigator of this world of pain and empty pockets if you drink or eat near your PC. In a world where time is money, it isn’t always possible to take a relaxing lunch break or hydrate away from your desk – but this act of capitalistic diligence has resulted in many a fatal spill! You may not be able to preempt your colleague knocking over your iced coffee, or your toddler massaging sticky peanut buttered fingers into your keyboard, but you can prepare for the consequences by signing up for a laptop insurance plan that ensures that accidents are accounted for!

The modern fad for laptop aesthetics is a search for anything light, slim and chic. In 2021, the business world is anything but stationary and almost everyone needs to be on the go all of the time! Practically, this slender look goes hand in hand with portability and comfort – but it also comes at the cost of strength and durability. PC’s that are designed for travel work on a high risk, high reward system – where you can take your work with you everywhere you go but you also triple the chances of breakage and theft.

When it comes to crime – we cannot victim blame. Sometimes you can take every precaution and still get blindsided by a sneaky burglar or road-side thief. South African statistics show that 54% of break-ins equal stolen laptops and we all know that desperation during the COVID crisis has caused a rise in petty crime. The only way to really protect your PC and subsequently your savings, is to insure and prepare for the worst.

The cost of laptop insurance will depend on the laptop itself, but at the end of the day you need to decide if you would rather live with the extra expense now, or the devastation of being left in the lurch later – life is unpredictable but if you prepare for the worst then you can expect the best of any bad situation!

What Does Laptop Insurance Cover?

So, you’ve decided to get Laptop Insurance South Africa your laptop – great, but what does that actually mean? Well, different service providers provide different policies but generally speaking you are looking at a range of options designed to protect you! Losing your data can be a devastating experience – whether it is from a professional or personal point of view – and so what specific and inclusive insurance can give you is quick and easy cover to replace what you have physically lost, without setting you back or breaking the bank. You can then get yourself back on track in no time – without further emotional strain!

First for Women for example, has a Portable Possessions policy where they will replace your PC with the same model or a model of the same value if yours has been broken, damaged or stolen while you are on the move.  Another Home Contents policy covers you if the latter happens at home, too!

These policies fall under a Comprehensive Laptop Insurance that covers you for general loss, damage and theft – and in this day and age, you can never be too careful, with your time, money and possessions!

EU Brokers recommends including your Laptop as part of your insurance policy to ensure that you are suitably covered in the worst case scenario.

Top Laptops in South Africa

Slim, but durable. Weightless, but powerful. The demand for aesthetic perfection, practicality as well as incomparable performance is a hard ask. That being said, the following products come pretty close! Rated by TechRadar – here are the top five laptops in South Africa:

  1. Apple MacBook Air (M1)
  2. Dell XPS 15
  3. HP Spectre x360
  4. Dell XPS 13
  5. Acer Swift 3

Though these PC’s are described as having some of the finest features on offer in the market, and the fact that they have been manufactured specifically for life on the move – us humans can’t control everything – as much as we wish we could. Not every day goes as planned, other people can sometimes get in the way, heatwaves can hit unexpectedly, and bouts of bad luck can strike at any time – so do the wise thing and play the long-game.

It’s an investment you won’t regret – and one that will bring a (somewhat bewildered) smile to your face when your ice-cream scoop falls out of the cone in slow motion, heading directly for your keyboard, whilst you’re sending off the most important email of your career. No judgement – stress-eating is a real thing. Don’t let the possibility of what might happen to your laptop, be just another thing to stress about. Insure your PC today and focus on the moment you’re in, the future can wait when you know you’ve prepared for it. Get Laptop Insurance South Africa today!

3 Reasons to have an Insurance Broker:

If you are not yet convinced, here are three more reasons to consider getting an insurance broker in South Africa.

They can help you get the right Insurance Cover

Let’s be frank, insurance can seem very complicated and confusing for most. That is why a professional who has studied and gained valuable work under supervision can be an invaluable asset to you.

Your broker can work with you to work out your needs and wants. They can then assist you in getting the best cover for you at the right price.

Fewer Hassles

Taking an insurance can be a hassle. Talking to multiple companies and trying to find the right cover can be tiring. Insurance brokers like EU Brokers supply insurance through all of the big insurance companies including Discovery, Bryte, Hollard, Santam, Old Mutual and more. They do the work of comparing the covers and finding the best cover for you.

And what is crazy is they don’t even charge you. The brokers are paid a percentage commission by the insurance companies. This means you get the best service at no extra cost!

They can help you look ahead

We hate thinking or considering the worst-case scenarios, but it is a vital part of planning ahead. Whether its car insurance, household insurance, building insurance or even business insurance. There maybe an area that you are exposed and not covered. A broker can help you identify those areas and suggest possible insurance covers.

EU Brokers has over 22 years of experience helping you find the best cover at the right price. Contact EU Brokers today!